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About Us
Salcombe Maritime Museum
A treasure trove of models, paintings, photographs and artefacts which tell the story of Salcombe’s links with ships and the sea from ancient times to the Second World War.
There is plenty to amuse and engage younger visitors including tales of local smugglers and pirates as well as hands-on displays and models in the ‘young sailors corner’.
The museum has a unique gallery of paintings depicting the famed racing fruit schooners built in Salcombe during the 19th century.
Today Salcombe has found a new role as a fashionable yachting centre but traditional boatbuilding crafts still carry on in the town and the museum houses an impressive collection of tools that tell the story of these maritime trades.
Finally, don’t miss the sea-bed treasures recovered by divers from the hundreds of shipwrecks that line our coast.
» Museum open daily from April to October
» 10.30 – 12.30pm and 2.30 – 4.30pm