About Us
The Boat Store Salcombe
The Boat Store Salcombe is located on Island Street, Salcombe. Situated in a convenient location alongside the estuary and close to the car parks at both Shadycombe and the Creek.
The Boat Store Salcombe stocks a wide range of marine brands including Crewsaver, Gill, Rooster, Holebrook, DryRobe, Dubarry, C-skins, Tilley, Robline, North Sails and many more!
Our Services include:
• Chandlery – A fully stocked chandlery, selling everything you need to get out on the water, including International paints; antifoul & varnish, cleaning products, rope, chain, stainless steel and everything inbetween.
• Shop – watersports equipment & accessories, lifejackets, wetsuits, clothing, bags, boots, shoes & accessories.
• Canvas Workshop – a bespoke service; making, modifying and repairing canvas items including boat covers, outdoor furniture covers and cushions.
Summer opening hours – Monday to Sunday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Winter opening hours – Monday to Saturday 9.00 am -5.00pm
Sunday 10.00am – 4.00pm
Island Street, Salcombe TQ8 8DP
01548 843708
email: sales@salcombeboatstore.co.uk